
We want to locate male breast cancer patients and make ourselves available to accompany them in the discovery of that “New Normality” that the disease supposes.

We want to be a support and know its history. Convert the data of new patients into a map that helps us to see a condition that accounts for 2% of all cases of breast cancer. Once the New Normality is discovered, we also want to help them to become aware of “what really matters”.

We connect patients with their environment, generating an organic and sustainable ecosystem. We promote programs and events to make a Differentiation with meaning, a human and empathic use through the new Technologies. We integrate the rest of the ecosystem “players” (doctors, assistants, Administration, Associations, organizations, patient foundations …) as indispensable allies. Our management is transparent and honest.

We share everything we do and how we do it periodically.
And our patterns are the MULTIPLIERS of the action.

our network